Please note these are our core hours and store hours may be different. Please visit the individual store page for their up to date hours.
If you have any comments or suggestions regarding Parkway, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Management Suite
1 Parkway Shopping Centre
RG14 1AY
Telephone Number: 01635 889 070
Email: hello@shopatparkway.com
Please note that this inbox is monitored 9am-4pm, Monday to Friday and whilst we endeavor to respond as quickly as possible if your query is urgent please call the centre team.
In these terms and conditions:
We are responsible for using reasonable skill and care in the operation of the Car Park. However, that responsibility is limited, and we are only liable as set out in (a), (b) and (c) below and have no other liability to you.
c.1 reasonably foreseeable at the time of entering into a contract with you on the basis of these Terms and Conditions; or
c.2 incurred as a result of our negligence or the negligence of our servants and agents; or
c.3 incurred as a result of our failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions.
Please note that although we have the above responsibility to you, you should bear in mind that public car parks are open to everyone. We cannot guarantee that people will not enter into the Car Park and cause damage to property or engage in criminal behavior.
Accordingly, you park in our Car Park at your own risk. We do not guarantee the security of your vehicle and/or its contents.
If your vehicle sustains damage while in the Car Park or if you lose your vehicle or any of your possessions from your vehicle while it is in the Car Park, you should:
If you consider that you have a claim against us you must write to parking@chimesuxbridge.co.uk within seventy-two (72) hours of discovery of the loss, damage or theft giving full details of the occurrence. Before submitting a claim, we ask that you satisfy yourself that the subject matter of your claim lies within the areas of our responsibility set out in condition 2.
If you wish to make a claim or to register a complaint about the service that you have received, please e-mail to the Operations Manager at parking@chimesuxbridge.co.uk
Unless requested by a member of our staff not to do so, please ensure that before you leave the Car Park:
CCTV cameras are installed to assist in the proper running of the Car Park. The CCTV cameras may also act as a deterrent to criminal activity. We are obliged by law to display signage in the Car Park advising that CCTV cameras are in operation. However, we do not make any representation as to the extent of coverage provided by the cameras and no guarantee is given as to the security of your vehicle in Car Parks where CCTV is installed.
Wherever possible please take your possessions with you when you leave your vehicle.
If you do leave possessions in your vehicle, you do so at your own risk. Therefore, please do not leave them where they are visible. You should lock them in the boot or in an equivalent, secure, out-of-sight storage area within your vehicle.
You are reminded that your motor insurance policy may not cover possessions in your vehicle. It may be possible to arrange separate insurance cover for such possessions and we encourage you to do so.
If you damage another customer’s vehicle you should report the matter to us, giving the registration numbers of both vehicles. You must also notify the owner of the other vehicle by leaving a note on the windscreen of their vehicle providing your vehicle and contact details and any other details that are relevant to the incident.
Please drive carefully in the Car Park and obey the directional and other signs.
Car parks can be dangerous. After you have parked your vehicle you must proceed immediately to the nearest passenger lift, staircase or exit, following the recommended route. You must not, in any circumstances, exit the Car Park by walking under a vehicle exit barrier.
Do not delay your exit from the Car Park and please supervise your children and pets who must be kept under your control at all times in the Car Park.
For safety reasons you are not entitled to remain in your vehicle in the Car Park or elsewhere in the Car Park except for the purposes of parking or removing your vehicle.
This car park is ticketless with your number plate acting as your ticket, where a non-standard DVLA compliant number plate is used or is positioned in the non-standard DVLA position, or any other reason the system cannot automatically read a number plate, you will be issued a paper ticket at the entry barrier.
This property operates a Penalty Charging Notice Scheme in accordance with the British Parking Association legislation, please ensure you are familiar with the conditions that are contained within these T&Cs, any additional T&Cs under contract parking agreements and those displayed on the Penalty Charging notices around the car park.
It is important to the effective management of the Car Park
We reserve the right to refuse admission of any vehicle to the Car Park for any reason whatsoever.
We reserve the right to move vehicles within the Car Park, by driving or otherwise, using whatever method we consider appropriate (even if, as a consequence, damage is caused to your vehicle) to such extent as is reasonably necessary for the purposes of safety to persons or property to avoid obstruction or for the more efficient arrangement of our parking facilities at the Car Park.
We additionally reserve the right, where the Car Park has to be closed either permanently or temporarily in whole or in part or has to be evacuated in cases of emergency, to remove any vehicle at any time to any other reasonably convenient Car Park within our control or otherwise as may be expedient.
To the extent that it may be necessary to do so in the exercise of the rights conferred upon us under this condition, we reserve the right to drive or otherwise take your vehicle onto a public highway. In doing so we will take reasonable care of the vehicle.
This is a paid car park which is card only (no cash is accepted)
By entering through the entry barrier, you agree to pay, and have the means to pay, the advertised tariff. Failure to have the means to pay will be considered as theft and dealt with through the appropriate legal channels, and/or refused entry for any future parking.
The parking fees payable by you (as varied from time to time) shall be as displayed on the tariff board at the Car Park. You are obliged to pay the fee and to comply with any instructions on the tariff board. For lost tickets please contact the control room via the Payment Machines, ANPR data is utilised to confirm time of entry.
If you intend to leave your vehicle in the Car Park for more than 7 days, we recommend that you notify us of your intention to do so.
We reserve the right to sell any vehicle which we reasonably believe to have been abandoned and shall be entitled to regard as abandoned any vehicle which has been in the Car Park for more than 14 days without prior notification and which is not known to be covered by a current valid contract parking agreement. Before proceeding with the disposal of abandoned vehicles, we will:-
You must not tow any vehicle into the Car Park except as part of the services offered by persons authorised by us and no work on nor cleaning of vehicles by you or your agent other than with our prior specific permission is permitted in the Car Park. In the event of vehicle breakdown, you must contact the control room via the intercom system.
No activity in connection with the selling, hiring or other disposal of vehicles or goods or services shall be carried out in the Car Park without our prior specific written permission.
These Terms and Conditions shall not be varied except in writing by the centre Senior Management. Nothing said or done by any of our employees is to be capable of varying these Terms and Conditions.
Cameras are installed at both the entrance and exit of the car park and automatically log the number plate of vehicles on entry and exit. This information is used to determine the length of stay and relevant cost to be paid. In addition, this information will be accessed in the event of any abandoned vehicles or those that have been reported to the centre management team for any reason that is deemed to warrant further investigation.
Please be informed in the future this technology may also be synchronised and registered with a police database as well as with the DVLA.
Each of these Terms and Conditions shall be construed separately, applying, and surviving even if for any reason other provisions are held inapplicable or unenforceable in any circumstances. This land is Private Property.